Discover now the 10 secrets to making a successful sale and easily convincing your potential buyers.
Secret #1: Keep your mouth shut and your ears attentive
This is crucial in the first minutes of your interaction with the prospect – it may well be the customer.
Above all, do not talk: about yourself, your products, or your services and above all do not say anything relating to sales.
It’s true, you will need to introduce yourself, introduce yourself, give your name to the prospect, remind him of the purpose of your visit, something that you must have concluded with him when making the appointment. But what you won’t do is start talking, talking about your product or your service.
Besides, what could you talk to him about since you don’t even know if what you are offering is of any use to the prospect.
Secret #2: Sell with questions, not answers
If you don’t show interest in others, no one will be excited about you. People will only begin to recognize your greatness when you recognize it in them.
Above all, don’t let the idea of selling your product or service harass you. Instead, find out why the prospect could or should buy your product or service.
There is no secret in this matter, know how to listen to your prospect, ask him questions – as many questions, even the funniest ones – so that through everything he says, you identify his possible motivations. purchase. But let none of your questions hide any intention of getting the prospect to buy.
Above all, be relaxed during this exercise; because as soon as people know that you want to get them to buy or that you are trying to sell to them at all costs, they turn away. Resistance to selling is an oxymoron like: the act of selling always creates resistance.
Secret #3: Do exactly what you act when you meet someone for the first time
be as curious as possible. Find out about their products and services, the products and services they already use. Are they satisfied? Are the products and services they use too expensive, are they reliable, fast? Try to find out through your questions what they really want: it could be a better product, a better price, better reliability, better after-sales service.
If you can get this out, you will succeed in your argument in matching the characteristics of your product or service to the benefits they want to buy (remember, you will be selling benefits and not the product or service).
Obviously, you will not ask the same questions as a simple interviewer or pollster; instead, ask questions whose answers will allow you to identify the prospect’s real needs.
Indeed, when you inquire about the needs of your clients instead of trying to convince them or persuade them to do what they do not want to do, you become an excellent advisor in the sense that they will very quickly place their trust in you. They will more easily agree to do business with you and for as long as possible.
Secret #4: Don’t be self-conscious. Talk to your prospect as if you were talking to someone close to you
Buyers are familiar with sellers’ clichés; when they see them appear they know how to react very quickly. So be relaxed, relaxed and, if necessary, familiar (without displacing the familiarity). Talk about things that have nothing to do with sales, and create a kind of friendly atmosphere. Speak normally, as you would with a parent or friend.
Secret #5: Pay attention to your prospect’s unspoken words
Is your prospect moving too fast? Does he seem agitated? Is he trying to get rid of you? If this is the case, it’s not inappropriate to say to him, for example: « Is this really the ideal time to talk? If not, we could make a new appointment if you don’t see no harm in it » You see, most salespeople are so often preoccupied with what they are going to say the next time they speak that they forget that they have in front of them an interlocutor who needs to we listen to it, we hear the echoes of its signals.
Don’t fall into this trap, know how to read through every gesture, every word of your prospect. This reading sometimes even reveals the prospect’s purchasing intentions.
Secret #6: If you are asked a question, answer it quickly and move forward
What matters to the prospect is not your ability to defend yourself, but your ability to say what they believe is true and reasonable.
Secret #7: Only once you understand your prospect’s needs will you tell them what you offer to satisfy said needs
This blue Citroën that you find so beautiful is not necessarily to your prospect’s taste. If you don’t have the slightest idea of what your prospect might like, everything you offer will be unwanted; Sometimes it’s even frustrating when someone tries to get you to buy the worst thing you hate. Know who you are dealing with before offering anything.
Secret #8: Don’t offer anything that has nothing to do with what your prospect said
Only offer what meets your prospect’s current situation. What will he do with your luxurious executive car, when he has expressed a need to make his activities profitable. Don’t do it if you can’t demonstrate that new cars for your executives will improve your company’s profitability.
When presenting benefits to them, use their own words to translate, not yours. You will be more likely to convince him by serving him the meal he prepared himself.
Secret #9: After all, why are you here? Ask him to take the next step
The previous steps will have made it possible to identify the relationships between the needs of your customers and your product or service. Having established a sense of mutual trust between the prospect and you, you can now build the bridge between the prospect’s needs and your offer. You are ready for the deed.
Secret #10: Invite your prospect to take an action, a purchase order, why not?
You have put the ball in the prospect’s court, that does not mean that he will take the initiative if you do nothing to invite him to do so. The initiative lies with you.
You no longer need to hide that you are a seller, to hide from the moment your interests intercede that your will only effectively benefit from the transaction.
There you have it, the 10 secrets to making a successful sale are no longer there. You now know that the main thing to sell well is not the price, the advertising or the formality. However, don’t forget the quality of the writing of your ad.
Apply these 10 valuable tips to give your customers only one choice: buy or buy!