5 Leadership tips for better team management

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Everyone talks about leadership, teamwork, and diversity. A lot will be thrown around with it. Why is it so hard in reality? And what can we do better? .

Leadership in the team: Sociable company

Top-notch teams are a world of “unsocial sociability” – the dilemma between the need for communitization and the tendency to singularity. Immanuel Kant already wrote this in the 18. Century and that has not changed significantly until today. Here are essentially 3 questions:

  • Why is it difficult for company leaders to lead an organization together?
  • What does it take to use the existing intelligence of a leadership team
  • to make better decisions for the joint success of the company?

Are new ways of working such as scrum, holocracy, design thinking only trends that work together at eye level only?

5 Leadership tips for better team management

But how can leadership work in a team – without the labels of digital anglicisms? 5 tips and theses at a glance:

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Team-oriented work needs team-oriented bonification

Those who demand team performance and incentivize individual performance will not get this change transformed. In the end what counts is the bottom line. The affected employee and the overall context of the company.

Extrinsic motivation in the form of bonuses was and is an optimization on the control of the monetary success for individual employees and not automatically for the overall success of a company.

Individual Bonification controls individual success, promotes lone fighters and classifies them into lists of competitors in an organization. However, in our digitized world, this corporate culture will be lagging behind those who can translate their knowledge collectively, smarter, into faster and more efficient solutions.

Companies such as Infineon, Bosch and Lufthansa have recognized this necessary change. For example, managers are measured from Lufthansa to 70% of net income and 30% from the result of their own business. This promotes the interest of the joint success and reduces the walls between the individual areas.

Team-oriented work needs conflicts

Each area has a different view of the business world. It is natural that salespeople find the truth different from their customers’ challenges, rather than a production that gets into delivery problems with cautious sales planning in the face of unexpected customer demand.

It is important to discuss the emerging conflicts emotionally in order to solve this situation together, rather than to stifle them by means of blame or refusal. Conflicts help illuminate aspects that are otherwise deliberately or unconsciously blown out in order to obtain an apparent security for decisions.

Team-oriented work needs respect

Everyone desires respect for themselves. A self-evidentness, which is very easily attributed to itself and perceived by its own blind spot. Every meeting with colleagues and employees proves us daily how difficult or unconsciously we deal with others with disrespect.

However, posters in meeting rooms gently point to improvement through effective meetings with platitudes such as “making excuses,” “punctuality,” “active listening.” Although this has been developed in high-engagement working groups and has been accompanied by executives as sponsors with external support, such “rules and regulations” quickly lead to disillusionment. Often, because one expects it from colleagues as a matter of course and looks very tolerant about their own behavior.

Team-oriented work needs self-leadership

“Why should I change and certainly not by others? I’ve done well with it in the past. If my environment, my colleagues, employees would make a little more effort, then I could much more respectfully and confidently be. Only when the others change, then I can change myself. “This relationship linking is the hope that the solution of the problem lies in the outside and not in oneself.

The likelihood of being responsible for the change itself and pushing it forward is the more effective lever. One does not depend on others. Without a cooking recipe, no cooked food will be cooked. And the way something is cooked, with what surrender, your own will, determines the success.

Team-oriented work needs courage!

If cooperation is on an equal footing, it takes courage to engage with other mindsets and approaches of different team members. For this, a leap of faith is necessary with the willingness to conceive mistakes as an opportunity and not as a blemish. Not descriptive in the sense of “this is it” or normative, “it should be so” leads to the goal, but curative, “how about” as an invitation to a solution, even if it is not your own.

Regardless of trends, tools, and methods in times of increasing disruption in all industries, companies gain over competitors who use their collective intelligence as a potential to prepare for necessary responses to future decisions in good time.

Relying on the wisdom of individual leaders in times of increasing complexity may be easier and easier for the top leadership, but it jeopardizes the future of successful companies with the trained patterns of the past


Remember, effective team management requires ongoing effort and adaptability. Continuously evaluate and adjust your leadership approach based on the needs of your team and the specific circumstances.

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